Hardie Grant
Undiscovered Tasmania
Undiscovered Tasmania is your travel guide to the real Tasmania. Beyond the usual tourist attractions, this small island is brimming with special places to see and experience, and locals Rochelle and Wally Dare are here to let visitors in on their secrets.
Rochelle and Wally Dare are just a couple of Tasmanian locals who grew up exploring their state every chance they got. They started the Instagram account Let’s Go Dare in 2018 to show their curious friends and family where they were headed on their days off, and it has just grown from there. Rochelle hails from the Derwent Valley, and as her old man was an active member of a Tasmanian 4WD club, she spent her childhood on weekend adventures off the beaten track, or Sunday drives to small towns to put in a working bee cleaning up local cemeteries. Wally is one of seven kids, and his childhood was made up of camping trips to the lakes or countryside with his siblings, who would all pack into the family's Toyota Dyna. Now they have a family of their own with a young daughter, Teddie, who loves to explore as much as they do.